We have a new building!

Knoll Animal Hospital will be relocating!
But don't worry- it's only two blocks away...or one street light. 

Knoll Animal Hospital opened under Dr. Knoll's ownership in March 2015. 565 East Saint Charles, our current building at the corner of St Charles Road and Schmale Road, has served us well for almost exactly 9 years. In that time, many of our clients have noticed that the parking lot keeps getting tighter and tighter.

For probably the last 5 years, we've explored different possibilities of remodeling the building, expanding the parking lot, building a second floor, asking staff to park elsewhere, we considered clients' suggestions for how to make our space limitations inside and outside of the building work better. But there was no avoiding the fact that we just outgrew the place it all started, and that every "fix" was just a bandaid. When every long-term fix we explored at 565 East Saint Charles came to a dead-end, we accepted that we will probably have to look for a space locally that could suit our needs as an animal hospital.

Over the last 2 years, we've looked at empty lots to build on and existing buildings to remodel- nothing was quite right. In the fall of 2023, Dr. Knoll and Paulina were driving around looking at a building that had come up for sale just across the street when we turned around in the parking lot of what would become our new location and noticed a "For Sale" sign. The building was a little too big for what we were looking for...but what does it hurt to look?

Over a few months of clerical work, negotiations, realtors, and attorneys- Knoll Animal Hospital closed on the future new location in March 2024- just a year shy of our 10 Year Anniversary of Knoll Animal Hospital! 

While this is very exciting, we know that change can be scary. And that's why we've created this blog- so that our clients and team members can follow along with the specifics of the relocation that aren't interesting enough to bring up otherwise- permits, demolition, contractors, etc. We'll be keeping everyone informed on the big, exciting changes that bring us closer to relocating, but for those of you that want to know what stage we're in; this blog will be your place to look.
